Become a Twistcafe franchisee

Invest in the well-established
and profitable business

Twistcafe in numbers

340 branches worldwide
Annual return +33%
Return on investment within 2-3 years
Why invest in a franchise?

We have been operating mini cafes for 10 years with an annual turnover of approximately 39.990.000 €. Last year alone, we doubled the number of our branches.


Twistcafe Group vs. regular franchise

Twistcafe Group
Regular franchise
Annual return on investment i
From 33 %
20 %
Payback period i
2-3 years
5-7 years
Amount of marketing fee i
0 %
2-5 %
Full management i
Comprehensive software solutions i
Employee incentive programme i
Wide selection of proven and stable franchises i
Expansion to foreign markets i
15 countries
2 countries
Network of branches i

Radek KleinCEO

“But the most important thing was always to persevere. Our vision is a strong retail group with pan-European, ideally global brands. And that’s what people are interested in, that’s why they want to work with us.”
– Radek Klein for Forbes

Average monthly profit

3.359 €

Expected return of investment

24 – 36 months

Marketing costs

0 €

Franchise fee

5% per month

Initial investment

40.000 € – 120.000 €

Our branches in the world

Filtr – Kaváren

Twistcafe Westfield 4 Temps Paris

Price per branch
200 000 €

Twistcafe Kings Cross London

Price per branch
180 000 €

Twistcafe Downtown Augsburg

Price per branch
140 000 €

Twistcafe Alstertal Hamburg

Price per branch
140 000 €

Twistcafe Glitch Dubai

Price per branch
170 000 €

Twistcafe Elbe Einkaufzentrum

Price per branch
140 000 €

How does it work?

Minimum investment is starting at 40.000 €. The usual price of the branch is 120.000 €. The return on investment is 2-3 years.

We will find and recommend you the best and most profitable location, build a branch, train your team of employees, and we will kick off a successful franchise together; or we will sell you an already functioning branch.

Our team consists of more than 500 experienced people who will take care of the smooth launch and stable growth of your franchise.

Ready to invest

in Twistcafe?

Opportunity No.1

New franchise

Get a lucrative stand with delicious coffee and sweet-smelling chimney cakes in your country or even abroad. Together we will launch a successful franchise.

Opportunity No.2

Discount for the second branch

Get 2 of our branches and take advantage of discounts 20 000 € for the second branch.

Opportunity No.3

Operating branch

Invest in an already established franchise anywhere you want and secure a compelling passive income.

Not enough funds for an investment?

Would you like to have your own mini cafe, but do not have enough funds for the initial investment? It doesn’t matter, as long as you have at least a third, we will help you get an investment or a loan for the implementation of the project.

Our demonstration café

Dubai JBR Beach

Monthly turnover

35 872 €

Profit for December

3.960 €

Number of hours of work

12-16h/month (3-4 h/week)

5 000 chimney cakes sold
per day

600 kg of ground coffee beans
per month

200+ stores open
by the end of the year

"I started as a franchisee in 2021 with two stalls and now I have seven. Yet I only need four hours a month for complete management."
Franchisee - Zdeněk Pavlíček

From a new franchise
you're only one form away.
That's all.

We will be happy to answer them.

Of course you can! Many of our franchisees are entering Twistcafe as their first business. We will teach you everything and we will be happy to “take you by the hand” so that you can be sure that you can do everything. At the same time, you will get a Twistcafe partner with whom you can consult all the steps.

The vast majority is automated in our system. According to the sales, we monitor how much stock is left in stock and automatically import more. Of course, you can control everything in the system and manually, as required.

As a standard, we find the best locations and recommend them to you based on our experience of opening 380 branches. If you have a tip for an attractive custom location or have a dream location (in your country or abroad), we would be happy to discuss it with you and can arrange anything from smaller villages in your country to Dubai in the Arab Emirates.

No. It is important for us and for you that the branches are profitable all year round and preferably every day. We do this by selecting the best locations in the busiest streets and shopping centres. This keeps people coming back to your branches and passive income is guaranteed.

Our system includes an incentive reward system for baristas (salespeople). If they offer coffee along with the chimney cake – it costs them nothing and can strongly increase the turnover of the location. Through similar activities, they earn points, bring more sales to the branch and are better rewarded financially. We are able to filter out baristas with an aversion to work during the recruitment process and quickly provide replacement staff in case of problems.

We set our affiliate prices so that you always get a return on your investment within 3 years. That’s why the most expensive locations in Dubai can cost 400.000 €, the cheapest locations worldwide are around 80.000 € – 120.000 €.

If you decide to sell your branch after a while, you can and we will be happy to help you. We’ve got a lot of people interested in pitching locations. A successful history of profitability increases the value and interest in your franchise.

If by chance things don’t go as planned in the first year, we automatically change staff or location at our expense to ensure profits and your satisfaction. Your satisfaction is most important to us.

Typically, after 1 year, the profit (PROFIT, not turnover) of an average location gets above 4.000 €. / month, so after ten years of operation you can have over 400.000 € in profit.

Please fill out the form on the website and give us as much detail as possible so we can prepare the location for you. We look forward to meeting you!

Od vaší nové minikavárny vás dělí jenom jeden krok

Po odeslání žádosti vás budeme kontaktovat do 2 pracovních dnů, abychom si ujasnili další podrobnosti.

Nemáte dostatečné finance? Nevadí! Stačí ať máte alespoň třetinu!

Po odeslání žádosti vás budeme kontaktovat do 2 pracovních dnů, abychom si ujasnili další podrobnosti.

You're just one step away from your new mini café

After submitting your application, we will contact you within 2 working days to clarify further details.