
Franchisees operating Trdlokafe kiosks enjoy high appreciation averaging 33% p.a. This means that your investment will be returned within 3 years and continue to generate high profits.

Ease of operation

An active franchisee spends up to 3 hours per week managing their branches. Passive investors can join the “full service” program and collect monthly profits.

All for you and all in one

We will find you the best locations, build the branches, find and train the staff, teach you management in our automated system and lead you to a successful business.

Full management

For six months after purchase, we manage the entire branch for you to ensure a successful start-up and then you can choose active or passive franchising, where your only job is to invoice yourself for monthly profits from your branch.


100% marketing and support for franchisees 24/7    

Od vaší nové minikavárny vás dělí jenom jeden krok

Po odeslání žádosti vás budeme kontaktovat do 2 pracovních dnů, abychom si ujasnili další podrobnosti.

You're just one step away from your new mini café

After submitting your application, we will contact you within 2 working days to clarify further details.